Dr. Jennifer Parker Profile Photo


Dr. Parker is is currently a Faculty Development Coordinator for the University of Florida and an adjunct faculty member for Central Michigan University in the Master of Arts in Learning, Design, and Technology. Previously, she was an Instructional Technology Consultant at Macomb Intermediate School District for 15 years serving over 130,000 students and 10,000 teachers. She has over 30 years as an educator and leader in continuous improvement, coching, library media/technology, and Career Technical Education - Business, Accounting, & Computing. She is an ISTE Certified Educator and a former ISTE Digital Leader of the Year. Her work with ISTE includes support for ISTE Certification, authoring courses on the ISTE Educator Standards and ISTE Student Standards and the ISTE Seal of Alignment as a co-creator of the 21things4 project.

Nov. 28, 2023

Episode 251: Making the Move With Ed Tech

In Episode 251 of My EdTech Life, we explore the transformative power of educational technology with the insightful guidance of Troy Hicks , Dr. Jennifer Parker , and Kate Grunow , authors of the influential book " Making the...

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