Chelsea Robberson Profile Photo

I always thought my dream was to be teaching in a classroom, wearing my “I teach for the money & fame shirt”, and loving every second of dancing along with my students to Tooty Ta by Dr. Jean.

It always seemed like an appropriate dream given my BA in Child Development.

I took my first classroom role in 2005, served in the states and internationally, and loved it all the way through my first taste of school leadership in 2009. Taking an Assistant Director role pretty much ruined everything.

That role is when it happened; the spark I loved with teaching ignited into a bonfire the moment I saw I could multiply my impact on learners and educators in a meaningful way. Since then, I can’t get enough.

My roles over the years allowed me to build new programs that pushed the assumed limits of what a classroom should look and function like, what teachers should focus on and learn, and what a school environment should feel like overall.

Since this spark ignited, I have become (overly) passionate about disrupting the status-quo of education through whatever avenue I am able and pushing forward the mission of others with this same thinking.

This has allowed me to work as a School Director, revamping schools from the inside out, partner with innovative schools and education-related businesses to better reach their audience through clarifying their message, provide professional development, and serve on boards and leadership teams in strategic and operations-focused roles.

Let's move education forward together. Send me a DM and be sure to check out

Dec. 5, 2020

Episode 32: My EdTech Life Presents A Growth Mindset Conversation wit…

We are joined by Chelsea Robberson who passionate about disrupting the status-quo of education by pushing forward the mission of others with this same thinking. In this conversation, we get real about Growth Mindset and how i...

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