Ali Kolahdouz Profile Photo

Deputy Executive Director for Technology

Originally from Iran, my family moved to the United States when I was five years old and my journey in education began in kindergarten as the only kid that couldn't speak English. I learned how to speak English watching Sesame Street and Reading Rainbow and started my love affair with technology and gadgets and asking "why?" the first time I took apart a toy my parents had bought me for Christmas only a day after I'd unwrapped it. My parents noticed my tendency towards electronics early and bought me my first computer from Radio Shack, the Tandy TRS-80, lovingly referred to by enthusiasts as the Trash-80. I taught myself Basic programming on that device and kept at it, learning a bit more with each new computer over the years until hitting college and majoring in Computer Science from University of Texas Pan American (now UTRGV).

I took my first job as a faculty member at South Texas College teaching web design and Cisco networking courses, and about 5 years later had the opportunity to transition to Human Resources as a Systems Analyst and then to IT as a senior developer and Assistant CIO. I currently serve as Deputy Director and Chief Technology Officer at Region One Education Service Center and work to support our school districts with all facets of technology including classroom integration, development, information security, and governance.

When I'm not glued to a computer playing video games or watching YouTube videos about crushing everyday objects with hydraulic presses (amazing!), I like spending time with my wife and our two cats, and when it's cool enough, in my garage shop making cutting boards, jewelry boxes, and wonky furniture.