Alberto & Mario Herraez (ETwinz) Profile Photo

Alberto and Mario were born and raised in Salamanca, Spain and came to Utah several years ago on a scholarship to teach. They graduated from the University of Valladolid with a Bachelors in Education. After coming to Utah and starting their teaching careers, they were hungry for more learning. The eTwinz attended the University of Utah where they graduated with a Masters in Education from a participating school, the International University of La Rioja.

Currently, Alberto and Mario teach 5th and 6th grade at Canyon Creek Elementary School in Farmington where their students are part of the Spanish/English Immersion program. They are heavy users of technology, and they enjoy sharing their passion with the students at Canyon Creek Elementary.

These practices have been recognized by institutions like UCET (Utah Coalition for Educational Technology) and DSD (Davis School District) that granted the eTwinz with several awards such as the Outstanding Young Educators of the Year Award or the Best of Davis Award.

They have presented in many conferences and events around United States and Europe sharing their knowledge and expertise to help educators to transform their practice. Some of these events are NCCE (Seattle, Washington), TCEA (San Antonio, Texas), UCET (Salt Lake City, Utah), FETC (Miami, California), Microsoft Educator Exchange (Paris, France) and SIMO (Madrid, Spain) just to name a few.

The Herraez twins are great ambassadors of education and its importance. They advocate for 21st-century educational practices. They have been featured by many newspapers from all over the world such as El Mundo (Spain), Salamanca 24h (Spain), el diario de Valladolid (Spain) and The Globe and Mail (Canada) among many others. Also, the eTwinz have participated in some national radio shows such as La Cope (Spain) as experts in digital transformation and 21st century learning.

Feb. 18, 2021

Episode 46: ETwinz: Embajadores de la Educación

Los gemelos Herraez son grandes embajadores de la educación y su importancia. Abogan por las prácticas educativas del siglo XXI. Han sido presentados por numerosos periódicos de todo el mundo como El Mundo (España), Salamanca...

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