June 2, 2021

Get To Know Me

Get To Know Me

Now is the time. Now is the time to let you all get to know me better!

I have recently come to a point in my life that I have to start writing down my ideas and thoughts. I was never much in the habit of really putting myself out there in the public eye, contrary to popular belief, although I have an online social presence, it is mainly a lot of picture design and accomplishments that I am proud of.

I had been playing around with @MyEdTechLife for a while not really doing much with it. It all started as a hashtag on my Instagram account that I would use when I would take pictures of my Reserva Coffee Roasters Nitro Cold Brew. Every morning I would stop by to get my caffeine fix and would create a short post on Instagram telling everyone that I just picked up my “productivity bubbles” as I like to call them. I would take a sip and snap a picture and fill up my Instagram with #MyEdTechLife #CaffeinatedTech #CaffeineThenThings and so on. What many do not know is that I actually had a short-lived podcast called Caffeinated Tech which was just two episodes. I either never found time to follow through with it or the timing was just not right. I would like to let you know that I believe that the timing was just not right.

During this time I was in a fairly new position and learning the ropes and trying to figure things out. One of the things that soon began to see is that in order for me to succeed I had to step up my game by continuing my education. I soon began a master's program in Educational Technology, which helped me spark and ignite that which was already in me. I soon began putting myself out there a little more and sharing resources, but still, not really sharing myself. I still had reservations about what people may think of me because there is no way that I can share anything relevant with anyone, right?

I graduated with my master's in December of 2019 and decided to take a semester off before starting up again. Well, as we all know, the pandemic struck and now we are locked in. Work continued and it was great to help out all our district teachers prepare for what was to come. However, I needed an outlet, something creative to do, and since I couldn’t go anywhere, why not start a live podcast. April 10, 2020, was the first live show that I did, and what better way to start than by interviewing one of my professors from my master's program. We talked about Remote Learning in the Times of COVID-19. This was a great moment for me as I was able to interview my mentor Dr. Rene Corbeil Ed.D and talk about a relevant topic that we were now facing. This was it, this was when My EdTech Life became real and became my creative outlet.

Starting this show has allowed me to meet amazing guests that have shared their stories and passions with our audience. I want to give educators a platform where they can come on a show and simply share what is on their mind and heart at the time and it doesn’t necessarily have to be edtech related. The goal of My EdTech Life! is to connect people around the world with one another and so that they can one day collaborate together on a project or the next big idea. When you see me on my show, you are truly seeing the real me. You are seeing someone that genuinely cares about learning from my guest and wants to share their story with the world. As the show continues to grow I get excited to see how viewers get to connect with guests and the connections continue beyond the show.