Dec. 22, 2022

Episode 158: One Mission: Make Learning Accessible & Fun for All

In Episode 158 of the My EdTech Life Podcast, "One Mission: Make Learning Accessible & Fun for All!", Sallee and Jenni discuss strategies for working with teachers who may be resistant to trying new educational technologies. One tip they suggest is to listen to the teachers and understand their needs, and then present a solution that addresses the problem and shows the benefits of using the technology. They also recommend targeting teachers willing to take risks and try new things, as these teachers can serve as advocates for the technology within their schools and inspire others to try it. Ultimately, the goal is to make learning more accessible and fun for all students. Using technology can help achieve this by making it easier for teachers to save time and energy and provide students with engaging and interactive learning experiences.


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Episode 158_ One Mission_ Make Learning Accessible & Fun for All!

[00:00:00] Fonz: Good morning everybody, and thank you so much for joining us for another wonderful episode of My EdTech Life. And That's right, it is. I don't even know what day we are. We're Thursday morning , because I'm so used to doing this on Saturday, but I'm just so excited to be here with some amazing guests. But before we start, As always from the bottom of my heart.

[00:00:44] Thank you so much for all of your support. Thank you so much for making Maya tech life part of your day, for making Mya tech life part of your listening, wherever in the world you may be. I really appreciate y'all. Thank you so much for the likes, the shares, the follows, and the beautiful messages and emails [00:01:00] that are so encouraging.

[00:01:01] I appreciate y'all and as always, we strive for excellence in bringing educators, creator. Together one show at a time and talking about bringing educators and creators one show at a time. I'm so excited today because I have the wonderful, beautiful tech savvy, fabulous, just outgoing ladies of Jenna Lee here today.

[00:01:24] So we've got Jenny Long and we've got Cel Clark joining us this morning. Ladies, we'll start with Jenny. How are you doing this morning?

[00:01:32] Jenni: I'm great. I'm cold, but, um, enjoying the break and excited to be here.

[00:01:37] Fonz: Thank you so much and I really appreciate y'all. I know that we're going through that little, uh, just arctic freeze and all that stuff is coming down and, you know, you guys are getting hit, but thank you so much for, um, you know, being here this morning so we can go ahead and chat.

[00:01:50] Celie, how are you doing this morning? I'm doing

[00:01:53] Sallee: great. Thank you. It is crazy right now, the weather. I'm trying, I hope the house doesn't blow away. The wind is blowing so [00:02:00] hard, but it's, you know, you know it's bad when your son wakes up at 7:30 AM who's a teenager and is like, is everything okay outside ? I was like, fine, you're good.

[00:02:09] Get back to

[00:02:09] Fonz: bed. Yeah. No, no, no. We're expecting that and just like we talked a little bit in the pre-chat, I probably won't be getting that till like about Christmas Eve. Um, so I still have a little bit of time, but we're definitely prepping, you know, we're, we're five hours south of San Antonio, uh, so we're definitely getting ready today and making sure that everything is all set and you know, it's gonna be a very, very crisp Christmas, even Christmas day.

[00:02:31] So hopefully everything will hold up as far as the power and everything. Mm-hmm. and, uh, hopefully everything, everybody will be. But I'm just so excited to be here with you all and, uh, thank you so much for the invite. I am a longtime follower, a longtime fan of the amazing work that you do. Uh, you are just so great at sharing just so much content.

[00:02:51] And so, I mean, not only are you amazing educators in, in this space, but just amazing content creators too because you make the learning fun for us [00:03:00] all with your amazing tos too. I'm a huge fan of. So I really appreciate that. But today we are gonna go ahead and talk about, you know, your mission. One thing that I loved about reading your bio that you shared with me was just your mission, that you have to empower educators and making learning accessible for all.

[00:03:19] So, we'll definitely center the conversation there, but before we get to that, My favorite segment too is the superhero origin story, and I always tell my guests, anybody that is sitting across from me here in the interview section, you're like a superhero. We definitely look up to you. We learn a lot and every superhero has an origin story.

[00:03:40] So Celie, we'll start with you first. If you can go ahead and share a little bit of your superhero education. With us. Sure. . Awesome. .

[00:03:51] Sallee: Well, I started teaching. Okay. We always get our years mixed up. I think once you like surpass a certain number, you're like, I don't remember how many years I've been teaching, [00:04:00] but I believe it's 18.

[00:04:01] Is that right Jenny? , she keeps me on track. I'm not really sure. Yes. Um, , but I've been in education for 18 years. Um, I started off as a pre-K teacher, um, also with a special ed background. So I was both general ed and special ed teacher. Um, and then I went back to school and got my Master of education and technology and became a librarian.

[00:04:21] And was a librarian for eight years. Um, and then I transitioned into an instructional technologist role, which is where I met.

[00:04:31] Fonz: Excellent. Now let me ask you something, because I always like to ask this first. Uh, also as well, did you always have education, you know, in your plans? Did you always want to be a teacher or was education something that later on you kind of fell into and then you just blossomed from there?

[00:04:48] Sallee: That's a great question. Um, my mom is actually a retired principal and was a principal, um, while I was in school. And in fact, I saw the long. The tears, the [00:05:00] hardship that she went through and said, I never want to do that. And I ran as far away from it as I could, and I actually got a degree in marketing, like a Bachelor of Business administration.

[00:05:10] You too. Yeah. And then, um, my senior year, I had two season Thursdays off in college, so my mom was like, well, come back and just sub for me because I have, I, I need subs. So I was like, sure, I'll come back and sub. And as I was subbing, I fell in love, um, with. The kids with the teachers, the culture. And I was like, oh my goodness, this is exactly where I want to be.

[00:05:33] So I actually went back and got an alternative certification to become a teacher after

[00:05:37] Fonz: that. Oh, that is great. And you know, very similar story. I ran away from education. I never wanted to be an educator. And I said, I'm gonna go to college and I'm gonna make the big bugs. And of course I have my bachelor's in business and Uhhuh, my area of specialty was marketing.

[00:05:52] And then I fell into education. Absolutely fell in love with it. Mm-hmm. . So it's great to hear those stories cuz I always like to [00:06:00] our, uh, educators to know that, you know, we don't always come in from the conventional route as far as going straight through education. Our roads may take different paths, but when we land here, we just do our best and we thrive.

[00:06:12] So thank you Sali for sharing that story. Jenny, if you can share your, uh, education origin story, I would love to hear that. Sure.

[00:06:21] Jenni: Um, I as like, Slee also came from a family of educators. My mom is a teacher, my aunt was a teacher, is a teacher. So, um, cousins like, you know, lots of educators. So it, I always just thought, okay, this is what I'm gonna do.

[00:06:35] But I did work in a dentist office for, um, about six years and thought for a little while that might be the thing I would go into hygiene or dentistry. But no, my heart was still pulled into education. So, um, this is, I think my 25th year in education, so I. Kind of, um, run the gamut from everything in different states.

[00:06:55] And we've moved and traveled a lot. But, um, I have a degree in reading, but I [00:07:00] actually taught mostly math, middle school, math. Um, but I was Montessori certified for a little while, did that and ran a computer lab, which actually was my very first job. So I think it was Destiny that I was supposed to be in EdTech.

[00:07:11] Um, but um, in the classroom for 12 years teaching, like I said, mostly fourth through seventh grade reading and. and then I transitioned out of that, um, because of opportunity to go into, um, like a instructional technologist position, did some curriculum as well. Um, science curriculum and reading curriculum.

[00:07:29] And so for the past 12 years, I've also, um, joined the, um, instructional technologist world in, in, in curriculum and love that I also have my master's in instructional technology like cel. So six years ago we, um, started working together in a district, and so we'll tell you a little bit more about that story of our together journey.

[00:07:49] But um, yeah, I've just always loved being in education, love being. , um, children love teaching. Like, I think, you know, it's just one of those God-given talents that you just love teaching and [00:08:00] training and, um, seeing that light bulb moment, I always, you know, love that. That's what I strive for, you know, and the aha and when they get it.

[00:08:07] And, uh, just love, you know, being in

[00:08:09] Fonz: this, in this world. Oh, that's great. I love that too. And it, it's so interesting, you know, and very hearing your story, like I said, we've run into each other at conferences, but we've never really had a time to chat because, you know, it's just local. Like, hey, how's it going and everything, and so on, because, you know, you guys have sessions, so on and so forth.

[00:08:26] But just to hear that story, it's just great because it, it just, , same thing, same connection here. Marketing, then EdTech, uh, masters, and then doing this, uh, job as well. And you know, just trying to do our best. But like you said, one of the things that I do love about education was really working with the students.

[00:08:44] Definitely seeing those aha moments. Mm-hmm. . And even now with educators too, and working with them too, seeing those aha moments. Mm-hmm. it's amazing too as well, you know, and just in a different light. And it's just wonderful with, you know, The work that you're doing as far as the books, the [00:09:00] trainings, the conferences and everything that you guys are working.

[00:09:02] But I do want to hear that little bit of the story now, how both, uh, Jenny and Celie ended up meeting and became this great duo that is out there doing some amazing things. So maybe, I don't know, maybe who wants to tell the story? Will we go with Cel? Oh this way. Okay Jenny, so go ahead and let us know how this all started.

[00:09:24] Yeah, I'll start

[00:09:25] Jenni: it, but Cel will chime in cuz um, that's what we do. But, um, , um, so six years ago yes, we started at Eagle Mountain Saginaw, um, I s d, which is just a little bit north of Fort Worth. And so we started work the same day in, instantly just connected. There were two other, um, gentlemen on the team at the time with us, and then we also had our.

[00:09:44] Coordinator of techno instructional technology, but it was just the four of us and sleigh and I being the only, you know, two females, we just instantly, um, were like, okay, we gotta figure this out together and get to know each other. , we just bonded. We had the same, um, you know, goals in life and [00:10:00] values and just instantly, um, became great friends.

[00:10:03] And, um, you know it, and a little bit later we'll tell you a little bit more about the transition too, is where we are now. But, um, we just loved going into classrooms and we had a great opportunity to kind of make the job what we wanted. And coming from our experiences in other, um, districts were like, you know, we're gonna just go in classrooms.

[00:10:23] Work with teachers and students and just make this what we want and, and just had that freedom, which we were very thankful for, but we just had a great time. And, um, you know, just knowing that we had those similarities, it was just really easy to, to form our friendship and, um, And I've always gone to conferences.

[00:10:40] I've always, you know, been a part of, of that world, but, and I'd get on Twitter every now and then when I would go to a conference, but I was never really a presenter until I met Celine. And it's just like, you need to find that person that really brings that out in you. And. Slee was, has a great story with her Twitter history and how she would connect with [00:11:00] authors in the library and just use Twitter as a, not just go to a conference and post a quote, right?

[00:11:05] Like really connecting and building those relationships. And so she taught me so much about Twitter and I think really at that point, it's when our, our community really started growing and we really started realizing there's this whole world out there of educators that we can learn from and that we can contribute to.

[00:11:21] And that really changed a lot for us. Then we started presenting together and just were like, oh, this is, this is fun. I think that we should like do something with this. So we actually started, what did we say, four years ago? Celie? On March 1st, 2018? Yes, yes. Um, was our very first interview that we did with the teacher.

[00:11:40] So we started going in classrooms and we thought, you know, oh, this teacher's doing something really cool. And this particular thing was adding audio to a canvas. Um, Or getting feedback, you know, with audio. And so we asked the teacher, how did you do that? Wanna share that with us? And so we ma, we made the Gly show and we put that on our YouTube show.

[00:11:58] And so we thought, you know, if [00:12:00] one teacher has a question or is doing something, we might as well put that out on the internet so everyone can learn from that. And so, , we, we started the, the generally show and from there we would just go in classrooms and do on thes spot interviews and interview students and share out great things that were happening.

[00:12:16] And so it's definitely transformed since then. Um, but that's kind of how we started. And then our name is Leon. Tell our name story. .

[00:12:24] Sallee: Sure. Um, one of our coworkers, uh, Ricky Goddy, he loved to mesh names together to create names, you know, kind of like benni or whatever. So he would always like mesh all of our names together when we would go work, uh, different schools and different with different teachers.

[00:12:41] And so he kept calling us generally. Uh, for Jenin and then Alee of Celie. And so we were like, oh, we really like that. Let's just stick with Jen Alee. That's what everybody keeps calling us here. So we, we just coined it and ran with it, and we were like, we, we like the way it sounds and meshes our names together.

[00:12:59] [00:13:00] So it was a fun way to, to do that. And we had, um, I guess at that time we had 25 schools in the district, Jenny, is that right? And so in having 25 schools, you know, it's difficult to get to. All of them and with only four people. And so that's really, you know, where the YouTube, we saw using technology and leveraging technology to be able to reach that many people was the best way to go.

[00:13:23] And through that, we've now built, um, an online community, which. Has been so special to us just because we learn from them, we share with them. We, we really are family with everyone online. Um, you got, you know, when you go to a conference and you meet someone from Twitter that you've been in all of these chats with, that you've shared ideas with, that you've helped, that they've helped you.

[00:13:45] It's like, You know, you just like do the like slow run as you run and like hug cuz it's like, oh my goodness. I feel like we're family that, that happened with us, with the each ones, um, Alberto and Mario. Um, and so it was just, I mean, we felt like instantly we were family. So I [00:14:00] think that's the power of technology and leveraging it in

[00:14:03] Fonz: what we do.

[00:14:04] Excellent. Yeah. And definitely the power of connections. That's so wonderful. You know, because I've been able to connect with the e twins as well on, on a couple of shows, and then of course in, you know, in person and of, and, and you guys are with them too as well. Mm-hmm. , so that's great. I mean, we just see, and it really does feel like family and just the kindness and uh, just authenticity and genuineness is great because it's the way you are, you know, online is the exact same way that you are in person and vice versa.

[00:14:31] Follow the you that may not know. I mean, these ladies are wonderful both online and in person. Same thing with the e twins and a lot of the educators that we have on this show. So, excuse me, ladies, today. So we we're gonna talk about your mission because like I said, that's one of the things that I really loved and it just really stuck.

[00:14:48] And I said, I wanna learn a little bit more. Because as somebody that is a practitioner such as yourself and, and in the same role, In a school district, you know, I'm always looking for new ideas and maybe seeing things for [00:15:00] a different perspective. So your mission, like I said, I'm, now, I'm gonna repeat it because I love, it says to empower educators to make learning accessible and fun for all.

[00:15:10] So as you guys started working together and you know, starting forming this bond, what were some of the things. , you immediately kind of just started seeing that was that were happening within the current school district, and maybe even now. I know that you are in a new school district. What are the things that you kind of look for first to kind of assess where you may be going to just bring just some classroom awesomeness to teachers and students.

[00:15:38] Sallee: Yeah. I think, um, for us, just to kind of give you a little background too on why the mission came to be, um, our mission, we both have children of our own with dyslexia, and so sh you know, working with them, working with their teachers, trying to empower them with technology really became, you know, well part of our [00:16:00] everyday lives.

[00:16:00] And then also seeing. Parents and students who don't have that advocate at home and or don't understand technology or how it could help them, became really passionate for us too, because then we found that we really do have to educate teachers on how to leverage technology to help all students, um, within their classroom.

[00:16:18] And so it became a passion project. It became very personal. Um, and so we started running with it. . It also comes into our own professions. Like for your question, um, when we're looking at where we want to work, we want to work somewhere that is going to empower us, that gives us autonomy, that views what, um, we do and what our passions are, um, with respect and also, you know, with joy in wanting to be a part of, um, that aspect of technology and that aspect of education.

[00:16:52] Fonz: Excellent. Jenny, you wanna chime in on.

[00:16:56] Jenni: Yes. And you know, we are very fortunate. Um, and kind of a little bit [00:17:00] about where we are now. We Celie used to work in Castleberry i s d previous to coming to Eagle Mountain. And so, um, we had an opportunity to go back. She had an opportunity to go back and of course she said, I gotta bring Jenny with me.

[00:17:14] And so, um, you know, we both decided it was a very hard decision. I have four kids and three of them still in the district where we live. Um, you know, that's very important to me is being part of the community where my kids attend as well. So, you know, we did a lot of praying and just soul seeking and seeing what was best for us, and, um, decided that, you know, it was good to make the move.

[00:17:32] And so we went and we were very fortunate to be able to still be able to be empowered, to be who we are as generally, and to, um, be able to bring the things that we offer to the district. And so we, it's a really nice give and take situation. Um, you know, we work together, um, there, but in the district where we are now, they are a Google District where, where we were before it was a Microsoft district.

[00:17:53] So we're kind of, um, trying to bring a lot of the Microsoft tools to where we are because Microsoft to us is like [00:18:00] a game changer. And I know there are a lot of Google users out there, but my daughter even, um, was in an interview for her sorority yesterday and they asked her how she stays organized and what she uses and she said, well, I use one note, um, to keep track of all my notes and.

[00:18:15] just clipping things and links and stuff. So I just feel so fortunate, and this is the one that has dyslexia and watching her progression of, you know, overcoming this and using the tools that we've provided with through Microsoft, with immersive reader and OneNote, and just being able to use dictation and all of these things.

[00:18:34] It's just, we've seen that transformation with our own children and to be able. You know, go into classrooms when we see that need that teachers are like, how do I give this test to my kids, you know, orally. And we're like, okay, well you can do it this way or use immersive breeder and use Edge. So it's just Sele and I were just like pulling our hair out because we're like, we can't reach everybody.

[00:18:53] We're just two of us. You know? How can we, um, you know, reach these thousands of teachers we have in our district and these, [00:19:00] you know, 22,000 students in our previous. And now the district that we are, um, with only has 3,500 students. So it's very much smaller. And, um, you know, we're able to go in and work a little bit more intimately with some of these, um, classes.

[00:19:15] So we're hoping to bring some of these transformational Microsoft tools, um, to our new district. But that's just really what we're passionate about, is making, um, learning accessible and to us accessible is, you know, being able to. , access that content, however, is best for you and whatever your needs are as a learner.

[00:19:34] And you know, that might mean using a color colored overlay. It might mean having it read to you. It might mean having the font larger. It might mean just, you know, making no changes. But whatever it is, we wanna make sure that people know there are options and we love having fun. And we also like to bring that aspect into

[00:19:51] Fonz: everything we do.

[00:19:52] Most definitely. And you know, I love what you said, you know, our, our district is primarily, it's all Google. And so, you know, we find [00:20:00] those tools, but there are some Microsoft tools also as well. We're actually, we're a Microsoft Google District. Mm-hmm. . So we're, we make that happen. So we do have that access.

[00:20:08] But you know, for me it's, it's. , how do you maybe, uh, I guess work with teachers that maybe are just know, like, I'm strictly Google, this is brand new. And maybe I like to, to take this phrase from Amy Min from Fried Tech, you said they're so used to the ua, this is the way I've always done it. Mm-hmm. , what are some ways that you have kind of worked with those teachers to kinda just open up, you know, just that mindset of, Hey, let's try something different if this isn't quite working.

[00:20:38] So, um, how do you guys go about. . So we'll start with cel. With Celi. All right.

[00:20:45] Sallee: Okay. Sure. I think, um, first we meet them where they are. We listen to them, we hear them, even if it is something that we do need to change or try to help them think outside of the box. We still meet them where they are and build that relationship with them.

[00:20:58] Um, and then we look [00:21:00] at like, what is the problem and then how can we show you a better solution to that problem? And I think through showing a solution that is easy, that is built in. that, you know, takes, saves you time or saves you energy, uh, that's usually a no-brainer. And usually they're like, oh my goodness, yes, I want whatever that is, to save me time, to save me thoughts, to save all of those things.

[00:21:24] Um, so once we show the benefit, then it's usually like, oh yeah, let's do that. So, um, we just try to find the problem and then try to find the best solution. , uh, that's easiest for them. And it's not the same for everyone, right? Some people are stronger in Google or some are stronger in Microsoft, but typically we can, um, once we show, show a solution that, um, is really beneficial, they're able to look past whatever the hurdle was that was keeping them.

[00:21:50] So,

[00:21:51] Fonz: excellent. How about you, Jenny? What are, what are your, I guess, advice or tips to be able to work with, uh, a teacher that may be set in their. ways [00:22:00]

[00:22:00] Jenni: Well,

[00:22:00] and I, um, mirror those thoughts too. Exactly. Um, was gonna say similar things, of course, but, um, I think too is finding that teacher that is willing to take a risk and try, because then they light the fire for everyone around them.

[00:22:14] And we do have a couple of those, you know, teachers that are willing to try things. And so those are the ones we usually go to. You're like, Hey, can we show you reading progress? I mean, it's, it's a game changer. Once you see it, you know, you're gonna be blown away. Or can we show you math tools in one note?

[00:22:27] And then when they see it, You know, they have to figure out how they can use it. So, um, just finding those people that are those risk takers and willing to listen and, and learn something new. And then, you know, not everyone is gonna change. And that's completely fine. I mean, you're gonna have those people that wanna just continue doing it.

[00:22:43] And if it's. Working and it's not broken, then why try to change it? So we completely respect that, but we know that there are those that are willing to try new things. So those are the ones that we kind of target and um, and usually, you know, people will see and they're like, oh, look what they're doing over there.

[00:22:59] You know, that's pretty cool. I [00:23:00] wanna, I want some of that. So, um, we, we try to find those ones that are willing to.

[00:23:06] Excellent.

[00:23:06] Sallee: We, we also like to say, um, take one thing and own it. For those who are like hesitant to using technology at all, we don't want them to get overwhelmed. We want them just to take one new tech and try it and own it, learn everything about it.

[00:23:21] And then once you feel comfortable, then we can branch out to something else. Um, but I think that comes back to that relationship piece where you know, um, the people and you work with them where they.

[00:23:33] Fonz: You know, I love everything that you said because you're absolutely right. The, some of the things that have worked well for us in our district have been those early adopters that are just teachers, that are very comfortable, that are just like, Hey, yes, I'm willing to try.

[00:23:49] Because once they start, the other teachers start saying like, Hey, what is it that you're doing? And or maybe kind of like, Hey, I noticed you might, you have a little bit more time at the end of the day. Like, what are you doing different? And so [00:24:00] on. And then they're able to explain. what they're doing to the other teachers.

[00:24:04] And that really just kind of lights that fire and then we get the calls and say, Hey, I wanna learn a little bit more about this, and so on. And I love that idea, you know, of the early adopters to ignite that little spark of curiosity and just be able to take those risks. And I love what Stacy, Stacy Benton, who's joining us here in the chat, Stacy, thank you so much for joining us.

[00:24:24] But yeah, I love the risk takers. You know, I definitely agree with that. To Salise point to what you were saying, that is one thing that I've been trying to work on, on that mentality for the teachers. As far as a lot of tech, one of the things that we find in our district is we have adopted, uh, certain platforms, which would be like Cami Ed puzzle.

[00:24:46] Of course we're a Google district as well. And uh, but, and then we also have some things like for, I xl, things for science and so on. But what oftentimes happens now with, so.[00:25:00]

[00:25:00] uh, on social media is that we have a lot of that just are hopping on two different things, you know? Mm-hmm. , there's, there, there is a purpose for all of those tools, but kind of what I wanted to touch on was, Sally, your point was I see the tech now as I want the teachers to kind of treat it as an instrument.

[00:25:18] Mm-hmm. and not necessarily a tool. And the tool, and this is what I mean, like when my wife says, Hey, I need you to put a frame up. I'm gonna grab a hammer and I'm gonna use that. And you know, put the little frame up and then I put the hammer, it solved my problem. But sometimes what happens is in that solving that problem, now there's another app that does the exact same thing, but just has one additional little button that really doesn't make too much of a.

[00:25:43] but the teacher has not been able to dive in deep into those platforms and the possibilities of what can happen. So it's more. I want you to look at it as an instrument. You may pick it up at first, like a guitar. You may not know how to play it at first, but once you tune the [00:26:00] strings, you know the notes, you play the chords, and then you dive in deep, you're gonna be playing some beautiful melodies.

[00:26:07] And so that's kind of where I'm working with the teachers. I, I still encourage 'em like, Hey, you know, there are. Tools that may be easier, or maybe that you might find just a little bit more intuitive, but don't dismiss something right away after the first time because the next tool that does the exact same thing just has one more additional component that really does not affect the pedagogy or the practice.

[00:26:31] So is that something that you quite often see where teachers, you do have those teachers that are just hopping on from from app to app and platform to platform? Definitely. .

[00:26:42] Jenni: Gotcha. And they, you know, because if they, they learn about the latest and greatest or the newest, you know, shiny tool like you're saying.

[00:26:49] And so that's, I think what's important about our role is to really go out there and, you know, make sure that those resources and tools are vetted and that we find, you know, is this. Like you get down a rabbit hole and oh, and you're [00:27:00] gonna have to pay for it eventually to get, you know, whatever you want out of it.

[00:27:03] So we try to really, um, share things that we know are supported by our district, and especially now too with the data and sharing, you know, privacy. It's such an issue with what we can use and what we're putting content into. Um, so I think that's where our role is key, is to be able to vet those out.

[00:27:21] Offer teachers what we feel is the, um, you know, premium of those schools. So, um, and making sure it fits into the curriculum.

[00:27:30] Fonz: So, Yeah. And I think that's something that's very important, you know, making sure that it does fit into the curriculum. And I agree with you that sometimes teachers, they get really excited and then they hit that paywall, like, you know, you got the freemium, um, and then all of a sudden it's, you know, they're the earlier adopters and now it's like everybody wants to use it.

[00:27:50] But I, I know in our district we're, we're kind of look at the data, we look at usage to make those decisions. We are a small school district, so we, we don't have. [00:28:00] to put towards a lot of additional platforms. So that's why we try to leverage what we have and try to maximize that. And, uh, so sometimes we'll see where we'll get some requests that'll be like, Hey, this is what we want.

[00:28:12] Mm-hmm. . And we're like, well, have you noticed that we have this platform that'll do the same thing, ? Uh, but then they're like, no, but this one has this one other thing, you know? And, and. . We kind of handle that as it comes. But you know, like I said, for the most part, you know, our district, one of the things that really helped this year, uh, or this uh, to the start of this year is we actually sent out a survey to all our district.

[00:28:36] We had them, you know, just fill in and say, okay, what are some of the platforms that you are using that are not district. . And then of course we went through that vetting process. Mm-hmm. , we looked at it, we saw what was out there, then we narrowed down the list, and then we sent it out to the teachers again and said, okay, these are our finalists.

[00:28:56] Please give us some feedback. What do you think? And so for the [00:29:00] first time in a long time this year, in my role, We didn't get a lot of, uh, I guess you'd say pushback from teachers because of the adoptions, because it was to their liking, it was what they wanted. We heard them. So we've got some platforms that are K through five specifics, six through eight, and then six through 12.

[00:29:18] And the teachers, for the most part have been just wonderful in being able to adopt that. And so I think that's helped out a lot. in your current roles, is that something that maybe in your district you do? H how, how do you guys go about maybe seeing what it is that you would be adopting?

[00:29:37] Sallee: I think it's interesting, um, where we were before at Eagle Mountain, we loved our time there and our experience there, and it actually operates different than the way that Castleberry operates.

[00:29:49] So there we were able to go in straight with teachers and work with them. It also was a time before covid too, right? So like doors were open, um, there was no mask, there [00:30:00] wasn't the separation of only video calls. So we were able to. Have more relationship with teachers individually. Um, and so we really were getting that teacher feedback and it almost was like customizing each classroom, like, what does that teacher need?

[00:30:14] What, what can we do to help them? So it was, it was more customizable, I guess. Um, but now with more restrictions on app usage, also with doors being locked for safety. And going through Covid and all the changes, we've moved to Castleberry and there's just more, um, integrated with curriculum. So we really work more with the curriculum writers and also, uh, the coaches and using apps in that way.

[00:30:41] And so then they write it into the curriculum. Um, and so that's been more of kind of the direction we've been going lately, um, in helping teachers and finding technology that way. Um, our team also over the summer, they did a very similar thing with the survey, um, asking teachers, what do you wanna know?

[00:30:59] And then [00:31:00] they created a whole summer training over just the things that teachers asked for and integrating specific apps in that way. But I mean, it's interesting going from, I guess the whole reason I was saying all this , it's interesting going from two different institutions and seeing like how they interact and you know, like at Eagle Mountain we didn't get in much with the curriculum people, so we always were like, oh, if it was written into the curriculum, we feel like it would be.

[00:31:24] More, more used or more powerful when in here we're like, oh, I wish we could get in with teachers . Like we wanna be in front of them. But it's also powerful cuz we're able to work with curriculum. So it's been, um, it's been interesting seeing the two ways to

[00:31:37] Fonz: work. Excellent. That's a good point because

[00:31:40] Jenni: we know too, I was just gonna add that, you know, they think that it's an extra, right?

[00:31:45] Like, oh, that, that technology thing is just an extra, but if it's in the curriculum and that's their Bible and they have to do it, then they'll actually use it. So we're finding that getting it in the curriculum is really, um, the way to go. Because otherwise if we show them something, they're like, oh, I don't have time for [00:32:00] that.

[00:32:00] You know, or that's just an extra. Um, curriculum documents is where it's at. Put it in there and, and ,

[00:32:06] Fonz: that is a great tip. So for anybody listening, uh, embedded into the curriculum because it's there and it just becomes part of the learning process. So I really like that. That's a great tip for a lot of practitioners.

[00:32:17] A lot of districts too. Really, uh, follow. So let's talk a little bit more now as far as, uh, you know, still staying within the means of, uh, accessibility in your mission. So when you guys go out to present, I know that you guys present also in a lot of the accessibility tools, um, you know, a lot of, uh, creation tools as well.

[00:32:34] So I wanna get into that. Um, so let's talk a little bit about some of your, your. Conferences that you'll be headed out to and what you're planning on presenting. And just give us a little brief background as far as your experience on why you are passionate about sharing this tool. As far as you know, of course, enhancing the learning.

[00:32:53] You know, also making things easy for teachers and of course for the learning, the learner themselves, the students. So [00:33:00] what conferences do you have coming up and what will you be presenting? So we'll start with Jenny. . Mm-hmm. ,

[00:33:05] Sallee: that's her street. .

[00:33:08] Jenni: We are going to be in just a few short weeks at F e TC in New Orleans, so we're super excited about that.

[00:33:15] Um, and then we will be at T C E A. So we'll see you there at T C E A. and then we will be at Idea Con. So we're very excited for that. That's a first for us and a first for Chicago. So we're excited. We're gonna bring our winter parks and, uh, we're preparing right now. I think I

[00:33:31] Sallee: was like, Texas is getting us ready right now, ,

[00:33:34] Jenni: and then we'll be at N C C E, um, later in March.

[00:33:37] So, and that will be a first for us also. So we're excited for that. Um, But, um, this year is different for us. We actually will be presenting kind of, um, with, with some of our great friends, the e twins, which we were talking about earlier. And, um, also Scott Bricker, who's a great friend of ours, and we all share, again, a similar passion.

[00:33:57] Um, we were just chatting and we always kind of end up at the [00:34:00] conferences together. We've done, um, Sessions with the e twins before on, um, kind of like globally connected, doing like, um, Skype in the classroom, kind of, um, connecting with Flipgrid, grid pals, things like that. So we're like, why don't we just all put together some sessions and just do this all together?

[00:34:16] Cause we're always together anyways. So we have a really great mix of, um, the boys bring a lot of like assessment. Um, some brain. Scott Bricker does a lot of things with the brain that's very like, deep and brainy, very smart brainy stuff. , um, and the boys do a lot of sel, we call 'em the boys. So the each one's the boys, um, they do a lot of SEL and self-regulation and, um, project-based learning and so, we bring, and they do a lot with creativity and, and gamification as well.

[00:34:47] Um, but Cel and I love, like I said, the fun. We love bringing in the, the gamification and, and sharing escape rooms and choice boards. We'll be presenting about. Um, Canva is one of our all-time [00:35:00] favorites, and that is just a hot topic. Everyone is just dying to learn about Canva everywhere we go. So we'll be sharing about Canva as.

[00:35:07] I think we do have the Microsoft session. We can't not present Microsoft, so that is, um, always there in our back pocket. So we have a Microsoft magic and this one is fun. We like to wear like magic hats and we have a wand and um, capes and so we always like to bring props and. We give out lots of prizes and giveaways and we, we like to make it fun.

[00:35:29] So that's

[00:35:30] Sallee: definitely, I mean, you know, just like in the classroom, if we're not having fun, I don't want to do it. Mm-hmm. like, I want to have fun. I want my students to have fun. The same with presenting and being at. at, um, you know, different conferences. I wanna have fun while I'm learning and have a good time.

[00:35:45] And I think that's what we try to bring too. I'm super excited too, at F E T C, we're gonna be leading some meeting of the minds, uh, sessions where we're just coming together and we know the room is the smartest person in the room. So we're super excited to have a room full [00:36:00] of educators discussing, uh, specific EdTech and educational topics.

[00:36:04] So I'm, I'm really excited for that, for, for me even just to learn and soak up. Um, Knowledge and create those relationships with other.

[00:36:13] Jenni: Another new one for us is, um, creating your edu social brand. So we're gonna do, um, a brand one for teachers that are like, like us, you know, like we started our YouTube channel.

[00:36:23] What, how do you get started? What kind of things do you need to know and following, you know, we have a unique story. Each ones have a story. Scott Bricker has a story. So we're just kind of, kind of share. how we got started, little tips and tricks, you know, and you have a great story too. You know, how, what are these things that we can share and help each other for an educator that might be wanting to start a YouTube show or, you know, start some TikTok or just start a blog or, you know, things like that and, and make that accessible for their students and for their parents, or for other educators around the world.

[00:36:50] So, super excited about that session

[00:36:51] Fonz: too. Excellent. That one sounds great. I mean, actually they all sound great, but of course the, the personal branding and, and of course starting your, your building up [00:37:00] your brand and your following is something that's great. And I mean, in two years doing this and just the work that goes into it and, you know, a lot of people just.

[00:37:07] You know, they may see, you know, your channel, they may see what you put out. And I always say, you know, what you're seeing is the finished product of years of work and learning and tips and maybe 150 takes before you get that one right. Take, you know, and so on. So that's definitely a lot of, uh, that'll be interesting and that'll resonate with a lot of educators because we've got so many brilliant educators out there that can really, you know, do some amazing things and are doing it.

[00:37:34] But they may not have a platform yet, or they haven't started. And again, that's one of the missions of this podcast as well, is really just, uh, you know, amplifying educator voices and hearing stories like, uh, you all, you know what you're doing and the amazing work to be able to connect with you too as well.

[00:37:50] So that's wonderful. So that's really awesome. I'm really glad that you guys are out there. And so I wanna ask you, For, and we'll start with, uh, Celie this time when [00:38:00] you guys go out to conferences and you present, and then the, the bo the current body of work that you are doing, celie, what is. number one, your drive for what you do and, you know, the, your, I guess the, the purpose.

[00:38:13] What do, what do you want to say? Like, Hey, I was able to do this or make this difference. What, what's your motivation there? Mm-hmm. ,

[00:38:23] Sallee: I think, um, I. , I guess Jenny and I started sharing our voice, like we said about six years ago. And I love our community, um, of building relationships online, building relationships in person at conferences.

[00:38:38] It is, it, it is what drives us. I love learning from them. I also love sharing what we are doing. . Um, as well, I feel like both are equally important within the PLN relationship and it is what drives us. So we hope to learn, we also hope to share and anything we can do to learn to make something [00:39:00] faster or easier, anything we can do to make education more important, more fun, um, sharing our.

[00:39:06] Is super important to us. So, um, just the PLN community in general, I guess is my answer. .

[00:39:13] Fonz: Jenny, how about yourself? What is your, what is your driving, your passion? Why you go out there and just put yourself out there like this? .

[00:39:19] Jenni: Well, I think that's, um, I, and I have to say too, I don't know that I would do it if I didn't have slee because, you know, this partnership we have just really makes it easy and, um, fun.

[00:39:29] But I love being the, the teacher and the educator and trainer. Just seeing those aha moments, like we said, like I'm not in the classroom every day anymore. So it's just another opportunity to look across the audience and see like those jaw dropped moments where like, oh my gosh, or just their eyes light up or they're frantically taking notes, you know, and then you, or you'll get those email replies that say, oh my gosh, you know, this, just learning this in your session changed my life.

[00:39:56] You know? And if, if we can make that impact on someone where they can [00:40:00] then go and share that with their students or share that with their coworkers, like that's what it's all about. It's about just learning from each other and just spreading that fire. and I just feel like it gives us that, that platform to, to do that.

[00:40:11] And likely said, we love giving the audience time to turn and talk and share. And we go over and listen to the conversations and we learn and then we share out, oh my gosh, this person over here said this. And we learn every time we present. So it's just such a great give and take opportunity that just makes us better people.

[00:40:29] And. . It's just fun. And I never knew I would love it so much. Oh, I have to

[00:40:33] Sallee: add to that though, last night I went to, um, a little Christmas, get together with some friends and they had people over that we didn't know. And uh, we went the whole night. We played games, we hung out. And then at the end of the night, uh, they were getting ready to leave and one of the guys came over and asked if I was.

[00:40:50] Sali from Gly and I was like, yeah, . He was like, okay, well I came to one of your sessions at Teon and I was not prepared and I [00:41:00] didn't take notes well, and I just, I should have, I should have done things different. And I was like, oh, well it's cool now we're friends like that, so I can totally give you our website.

[00:41:09] It's already there, but . But it was just fun to. Not even know we were connected, but we're connected and, but it was interesting hearing his point, like Ginny was saying, like being able to see that aha moment. Uh, cuz he was the one, I don't know if you remember gin or not, but his face was saying it all during the session.

[00:41:26] So I would gauge everything off of his face, like, do I need to repeat that? Because his face would be like, I don't know what that is, . So I would repeat off of his face, but I didn't realize it was him till lately. But, All that to say relationships matter. And also that moment and those sharing moments of learning are really important and impactful.

[00:41:47] Oh

[00:41:47] Fonz: man, that is amazing. And that's so inspiring. You know, again, just the way that you put yourselves out there, your heart and the way that you are, just your willingness to share and. That really speaks volumes of what the, the work that you [00:42:00] do. And I'm just so excited for what 2023 is gonna bring your way and bring our way as you know, learners from you.

[00:42:07] And of course you guys learning from everybody there in the room and all the conferences that you're visiting and everything. So I'm really excited and I definitely keep tabs on. Social media and on TikTok. Mm-hmm. , because you guys do share a lot of great tips and just, you know, you have such a wonderful personality, so I absolutely love it.

[00:42:23] So thank you so much for joining us this morning and just sharing a little bit about your story and that way educators can go ahead and connect with you. They have some sessions to look forward to. They can see generally and be like, Hey, I'm definitely gonna go check them out, and then that'll be great.

[00:42:38] So, but before we go, You know, this is, uh, the way we always wrap up the show. So we've got a couple of questions here and we'll definitely take turns. So right now, we'll start with Jenny first. So Jenny, my question to you is, is in the current state of education, what would you say is your current EDU kryptonite?[00:43:00]

[00:43:00] Jenni: Okay. I had one and then I thought of another one. So I have, oh no, I have kind of two, but one is just, and this is, it's just like testing. Like I feel like we're just test our kids to death and just over and over, every time we turn around we're testing again. So I just wish that there would be some magic cure that we could have.

[00:43:20] Take some testing away, but still be able to get the results that we need. I know that's impossible, but it just, I feel like it's just over exhausted. And then my other one is just, I know this is kind of controversial too, Leigh. I think it's, some people think it's really funny and it can be funny, but it just really annoys me when I see a lot of the, um, questions posted.

[00:43:38] And it's like they want wrong answers, only because I just feel like that brings out negativ. Like, every time I see one I'm like, I know it's funny. I do think it's funny, some of 'em, but I'm like, but we're just being negative and I just, I always strive to bring out positivity. It's actually one of my top five strengths and sleeves as well.

[00:43:57] It is. Um, so I just, I don't know, that [00:44:00] just kind of irks me when I see that because I'm like, we're just focusing on the negative.

[00:44:04] Fonz: Yeah. All right. Good answer. Thank you so much. Jenny. How about you, CEL? What would you say is your current EDU krypton? I'm

[00:44:11] Sallee: scared to say it because it's going, I think it's gonna ruffle some feathers.

[00:44:15] It did jenice when I told her, but it's gonna be okay. I, um, I don't like it when we as teachers make responsibility the. Thing that we're trying to teach. So a lot of times, um, like a kid will not do their homework or not turn something in or forget for in the library, for example. They wouldn't turn their library book in.

[00:44:38] And then, um, a lot of times teachers will say, well, we have to teach them responsibility, which I, I agree. We do. , but when it trumps what we're really trying to teach, that hurts my heart. Um, because life is hard and it's going to teach responsibility regardless. In fact, there's, we don't know where kids are coming from or the situations or things that are happening at home.

[00:44:59] And [00:45:00] so to make that my mission, to teach responsibility, that hurts, um, my heart just because, um, I think it's really difficult for school or the library to be. That teacher, I, I wanna have fun and I wanna learn and have fun and make learning the mission that we're on. Um, not teaching responsibility, although it comes with it.

[00:45:22] I understand that and I'm, I'm happy with that. . I just don't want it to become the focus of what we teach.

[00:45:28] Fonz: No, that's a great answer. I, I absolutely agree. Uh, sometimes, you know, students turn in an assignment late or they may need an extension. Well, guess what? In the real world, they do get extensions.

[00:45:39] Sometimes they don't. They, it's like, Hey, you know, this happened. Okay, no worries. Let me give you, extend your deadline, extend this, and so on, and just show some grace. You know, so some grace. And I think that's something that's very important, where oftentimes you do Macy, you know, a teacher. . You know, it's like, no, no, no, this is it.

[00:45:56] This is the way it goes. And you either get the zero or you get the 50 depending on [00:46:00] what your code of conduct says, and that. , it's not gonna help the student and it's not gonna help them feel any better or even any more engaged. You just could have ruined their day. And like you said, you don't know where they're coming from that day.

[00:46:14] You know, they might have had just a bad morning, rough week or, you know, home life. And so that was one of the things, uh, when I moved and transitioned down into elementary, um, I learned along the ways just to really show that grace, because I started learning more that not all my students come from, you know, the same kind.

[00:46:32] um, home life. Mm-hmm. . And so I just respected that and instead of homework, everything was done in class because some of them at home did not have that additional support. Mm-hmm. . So I felt it was, yeah, it was my responsibility to be there for them and to help, but, you know, not penalized and just show that grace.

[00:46:51] So I thank you for so much for your answer. I really appreciate that. All right. Second question, and this time we'll start with Celie. If you could have a billboard with [00:47:00] anything on it, what would it be? And.

[00:47:03] Sallee: Okay, I'm gonna say, um, leverage technology to empower your students. I think, um, a lot of times we forget that our students are empowered with technology and can be empowered with technology.

[00:47:19] There's so much information, so much accessibility, so many pieces that. We sometimes forget to allow them to access. Um, and so I think that would be my, my billboard if we were

[00:47:33] Fonz: gonna have one. I love that. Thank you so much, Jenny. What would be your billboard?

[00:47:37] Jenni: Well, mine actually is right here. Wait, , wait right here.

[00:47:41] That work. . Go ahead. . Um, uh, it would say, don't forget to go and be a different kind of Awesome. We usually try to close out our show or our video with that saying. And it's kind of funny because Ricky, that we mentioned earlier that coined our name, he, um, called Sali one time. He's like, Slee, you're kind of, you're a [00:48:00] different kind of, And I don't think he meant it as a compliment.

[00:48:02] I don't think so, , but

[00:48:03] Sallee: we, I'm gonna say he did . I

[00:48:06] Jenni: mean we took it that way. We're like, Lee's like, yeah, Ricky, I kinda am. So that kind of became our little slogan. And so we just wanna empower people to be a different kind of awesome, whatever that is. But um, you can be different and it's okay. And be awesome.

[00:48:21] Fonz: Excellent. I love that. That's great. All right, and the last question, so I know well, yeah, we'll go ahead and start. We'll start with Jenny this time and so let's say that I get to be a guest on the Jenna Lee show and this morning, you know, I'm excited cuz I'm here with you. Amazing, awesome sauce hosts.

[00:48:39] What would be one question you'd like to ask me And we'll start with Jenny this time. .

[00:48:44] Jenni: Okay. I would ask you in light of where we are in this world of EdTech, everyone, a lot of people seem to be leaving education and going to work for like EdTech companies and things like that. And we've had a lot of friends and I mean, we're super excited and proud of them.

[00:48:59] [00:49:00] Um, what keeps you in education doing what

[00:49:02] Fonz: you're doing? You know, that is a great question cuz I can see both ways now for the EdTech c. in some way. I'm like, okay, now you finally have educators and teachers that can help write or help, you know, understand what teachers need and kind of, you know, gear your platform to be a little bit more user friendly and meeting our needs where we're at.

[00:49:26] Where before you didn't have any educators in those platforms and they were just throwing stuff out. Hoping that it'll stick and it'll work. So, you know, for those educators that did go and do that, you know, that's great. Uh, I think we'll have some voice and maybe some more advocacy there. Uh, for myself, you know, being where I'm at.

[00:49:45] You know, I think it, this is where the action is. You know, I love that day in, day out. It's a different, you know, different experience and even a different learning experience and a different teaching experience. So I may go into a classroom where I learn [00:50:00] something or a different way. Of using one of the platforms that we use and that I never even thought of or haven't seen yet.

[00:50:06] And so I get to take that back and of course share it with everybody within our district, and that's really exciting working with the kids, seeing all of that. But really, like I said, also just that passion that I have for where I'm at. I absolutely love the work that I do, and if I can help, not only get myself 1% better a day, but help somebody get 1% better a day in the district, I mean, it's all for it because at the end you're gonna see that return on investment and you know, you're planning that seed there too as well.

[00:50:36] So that's really one of the things that keeps me still, you know, excited about. in education and not necessarily, you know, let me step out and go somewhere else. Or an ed tech company, which again, great and kudos to all our friends that are doing that again, because now it's like, Hey, can you tell 'em to do this?

[00:50:54] Can you tell 'em to do that then? Yeah. You know, so for that, so again, that would be my answer. So that's a [00:51:00] great question, Jenny Cel, how about yourself? What would be one question you'd like to ask me? I have a

[00:51:04] Sallee: fun one for you. Are you. Yeah, I'm ready. Okay. So you mentioned TikTok and we love TikTok. We, um, started using it during 2020 and we found that we could make one minute tutorials and also have fun, which is important to us.

[00:51:19] Um, but what is your favorite TikTok style videos to watch?

[00:51:26] Fonz: Uh, my favorite TikTok style videos to watch? Hmm. That's a good one. Cuz there's a variety. I kind of, okay. on the content creation side. I really like those TikTok videos where it, it's a talking head video, but they're not talking directly to you in the camera like this.

[00:51:44] They're always off to the side and then they're giving some like sage advice and they're like, yeah, in life this is what will happen or, but whatever. So I kind of like those videos. They kind of catch my attention and you know, a lot of the content there is great. Um, when I do see videos on how to real quick, you [00:52:00] know, , you know, I would love to just, Hey, just give me the, the how to, like, right there, right away.

[00:52:05] And then, uh, sometimes they'll add like extra stuff. I'm like, eh. Give me the content and I'm good and just show me the tips. And that's pretty much it because usually I already have my bookmark and I have everything bookmarked, so. Mm-hmm. , if it's something for Canva, it's like, boom, Canva, if it's something for Google, so then I go and revisit and I get that one minute tutorial.

[00:52:26] Mm-hmm. , um, you know, I love that. You people may put a little spice to it, but sometimes it could be a little too extra. It's like I just want that little microbit of knowledge and then I'm just gonna go back and put it to practice and you know, go, go at it. And then share that in my own way to my district.

[00:52:44] Cuz sometimes knowing my customers, I'll kind of have to change things a little bit to make it more for them, but yeah. Mm-hmm. , you know, but really those are the two types of videos that I like watching. And of course what I put out is really, I'll do the talking heads here where I'll get your sound bites and then I'll [00:53:00] post those out.

[00:53:00] And those usually, they get some pretty good traction too as well, because they get to hear from the experts like yourself, you know, as far as what practice or practices you guys, uh, do what you guys encourage, what you're all about. that really, you know, motivates, um, you know, the audience. So, so yeah, that's pretty much it.

[00:53:19] I love it. All right, well thank you so much ladies. You guys have been phenomenal. You guys are great, and I wish you the best in 2023 with all the traveling that you will be doing, and I'm glad that I'll get to run into y'all at T C E A and you know, get. Spend some time and I'll probably share some new stickers with me.

[00:53:36] As you know, every time I see you guys, I always have new stickers and everything, so I'll definitely share some new stickers and some new swag with you all. But thank you so much for just really sharing your heart today, sharing your genuineness, your authenticity, and just your passion for what you do. I really appreciate y'all and.

[00:53:52] Again, your district is so lucky to have you. The edgy space is lucky to have you and have advocates such as [00:54:00] yourself for, you know, learning and making access, learning accessible for all. So thank you for what you do. And to all our audience members watching today that we're live, we had Stacy that was live, Sherry that was live.

[00:54:11] Thank you so much for joining us today with your comments. I really appreciate y'all and for all of you that will be rewatching and re-listening to the podcast. , thank you as always, from the bottom of my heart for making my EdTech life what it is today. Please make sure you visit our to check out this amazing episode and the other 157 amazing episodes where you can learn so much from amazing educators and creators and take some things that you can sprinkle on to what you are already doing.

[00:54:38] Great. So thank you. As always, please make sure you like, share, and subscribe to all our socials. And if you'd like to contribute to our mission, please make sure you stop by our store on our website where we've got some great designs. We've got some great caps here that you can go ahead and get. And again, all of this goes back to supporting our mission to bring you some amazing shows and connecting with some amazing educators.

[00:54:59] So thank [00:55:00] you all as always. And until next time, my friends, don't forget. Stay techy.

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EdTech Consultants & Innovation Leaders

As educators, authors, international speakers, and EdTech consultants, Jeni Long and Sallee Clark are on a mission to empower educators to make learning accessible and fun for ALL! This dynamic duo, known as #Jenallee, currently serves as Innovation Leaders with Castleberry ISD, in Ft Worth, TX. Seeing educators empower their students with critical thinking skills and empathy makes them proud to know that technology is bringing meaningful experiences into classrooms. In addition, Jeni and Sallee co-create content for their Jenallee Show blog, TikTok, and YouTube show. Their educational content highlights the newest EdTech tools and offers tech tutorials for teachers and educators across the globe. Between the two of them, they have served in education for 40+ years, they both have a Master of Educational Technology, and are frequent presenters on the national conference circuit. Jenallee published their first book with Elevate Books EDU, The Microsoft Teams Playbook, in 2021 and they are collaborating authors on the EduMatch book, Amplify Learning: A Global Collaborative. In addition, Jenallee was recently awarded the Top 30 2022 EdTech Influencer Award by EdTech K-12 Magazine.