Oct. 25, 2023

Episode 244: Generation Mindful: Nurturing Resilience

In tonight's episode, we are thrilled to have Suzanne Tucker, the mind behind Generation Mindful, join us. We explore her innovative approach to nurturing emotional intelligence in children through playful, expert-designed tools. Discover how her Time-In Toolkit and Snuggle Buddies™ Emotions Plush are revolutionizing learning and helping to raise caring, confident, and resilient children. As we discuss positive parenting and creating supportive learning environments, prepare for a heartwarming conversation filled with insights on connecting with young ones on an emotional level and fostering an emotionally healthy world for generations to come.

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Until Next Time, Stay Techie!


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Suzanne TuckerProfile Photo

Suzanne Tucker

PT, Parent Educator, Founder of Generation Mindful

GENM: Generation Mindful is dedicated to helping adults raise caring, confident, and resilient children through play-based social-emotional learning tools, toys, and online classes for parents and professionals.

- shorter bio

Suzanne Tucker has been a physical therapist and Parent Educator for more than 25 years. She's a mom of four and the founder of Generation Mindful, an international community bringing responsive, inclusive, evidence-based childrearing practices that nurture emotional intelligence into early childhood classrooms and homes. For more info visit her online at www.genmindful.com.

- longer bio:
Suzanne Tucker’s mission is to raise an emotionally healthy world.

A mom of four, physical therapist, and parent educator since 1992, Suzanne has been teaching parent education classes for over two decades, including infant massage, positive parenting classes, and more. In 2016, after a parent in one of her classes asked for help taking the ideas presented in class more practically into her busy life, especially when she was feeling stressed or the kids were acting out, Suzanne was inspired to found Generation Mindful, a company mainstreaming emotional education into homes and classrooms in practical, playful, evidence-based ways. She believes the most impactful thing we can do as a society to bring about a more peaceful and compassionate world is to evolve the way we discipline our children, replacing fear and shame with practices that nurture safety and connection.

Her mission-driven company, Generation Mindful,… Read More